Month: June 2024

Personal Power

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Michele L. Sayre Author Interview

Along Came Spider: The Making of a Superhero follows an elementary school boy who, along with his friends, is being bullied by two boys who terrorize students. What was the inspiration for your story?

There were several factors that inspired me:

1) I grew up with comics, but they were always on a higher level than I probably should have been reading at the time. I really wanted to write a comic for kids that was age-appropriate.

2) I was bullied several times when I was kid, so that was a factor in writing this book because I often was a little bit different than some of my classmates.

3) As a child, it’s very easy to feel like no one notices you. I thought I’d take that inadequate emotion of feeling invisible and turn it into a superpower instead.

​Spider has to learn to stand up for himself and his friends, and that is a hard thing to do, especially with bullies. What were the morals you were trying to capture while creating your characters?

When you’re bullied, you lose some of your personal power. I wanted to give power back to the main character Spider. I also know, from my own experience, that it can be hard to do the right thing – to stand up for one’s self and others, that requires all of us to find courage and personal power to stand out and stand up for what matters.

What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

I think a lot of bullying occurs because 1) teachers either don’t know what to look for or they, too, have a tendency to not see some things that are right in front of their eyes. 2) There is often a herd mentality going on in schools – especially when we are young and are trying to find a sense of ourselves. Anything different is to be avoided because it can often draw negative attention to us. We all want to stand out in a positive way, not a negative way. I wanted this book to give a sense of empowerment to all kids.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

This is the first book in the Web Society series. There will be 11 books total. The next book is actually about Lacey’s superpower. It will probably be next year before that book comes out. I currently work a full-time job and write in my free time, and Alex, my illustrator, is in the same boat as I am, so we can’t devote all our time to just working on this one book. Plus, I do work on other genres as well. The more heavily illustrated a book is, the longer it takes to finish it, but, I assure you, that when it does get finished, the next book in the series has a little more action and danger and Spider will be in that one as well.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Amazon

Bullies Beware!

Bullies exist everywhere! Everyone has met one. It’s hard not to – there are so many of them in the world. Even with that being the case, it doesn’t mean they should always get to win.

But if you don’t step up to stop them, then who will?

It doesn’t matter how small we think we are or how unimportant. When you stand up for what is right, that’s when you find out what you’re truly made up of inside – in Spider Monroe’s case, he finds out he can be a superhero for his blind best friend Lacey.

What’s his superpower, you ask? Invisibility. How does he use it? In every way that stops two bullies in their tracks and restores the world to order.

Bullies beware – heroes exist everywhere . . . but only if we are brave enough to look inside ourselves to find them!

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The State of Impermanence

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Author Interview
Daniil Rozental Author Interview

The Zeroth Day follows a former actor haunted by his past who is asked to deliver a mysterious package in exchange for alcohol, leading him to question everything he thought he believed. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

My whole life is what pilots call an area of turbulence. The country in which I was born, the Soviet Union, no longer exists. At the age of 17, I left alone for the USA, which at that time seemed to me as distant and mysterious as Mars. Eleven years later, I returned to a new, free Russia. There I witnessed a gradual transformation of this freedom, first into a “managed democracy,” and then into an authoritarian state. I left for France with my wife and three small children. We did not know the language or traditions of that country but came to love it. Then there was Covid and, finally, the war between an already completely changed Russia and Ukraine. In between, while in the USSR, I saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and two coups; when I lived in the USA, I witnessed the tragedy of September 11th. When I lived in Paris, there were terrorist attacks in the Bataclan. I noticed that I can no longer live without crises. When everything is calm, I expect trouble. Such an interesting and rich life makes you ask questions about what is reality and is there anything permanent in this world? This is what I decided to write my book about, taking the state of impermanence to the point of absurdity. Thanks to technological progress, there is a high chance that this absurdity will soon become everyday life.

What are some things that you find interesting about the human condition that you think make for great fiction?

Prose has a great advantage over other forms of art – the ability to express the thoughts of the characters, as they say, directly from the skull. For example, in cinema, thoughts can only be expressed through actions or images, in fine arts – through form, in music – through melody. But all this is rather a consequence of thoughts and feelings that only writers can describe. In my book, I tried to imagine what a person thinks and feels when he doubts what reality is.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

There are many different themes in my book. The main character is trying to return to the past to correct his mistakes. They say it’s impossible. But is it? Perhaps the technologies of the future will help us, if not go into the past, then at least pull it by the ears to the present.

The second topic, related to the first, is the development of artificial intelligence and its impact on society. Finally, I tried to imagine what society will be like in the near future if its development continues in its current direction.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

It turns out that being a writer is hard work. Having written this book, I feel like a squeezed lemon. But new ideas are already brewing in my head, and I understand that until I give them free rein, they will get on my nerves. Therefore, I will write something new soon.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Instagram | Amazon

The Zeroth Day is an exhilarating adventure that dives deep into the profound issues of love, loss, and the inevitable rise of artificial intelligence. Join Nikolai, a former movie actor, as he navigates a post-apocalyptic world and confronts personal trauma in a race against time.

In this captivating narrative, Nikolai’s journey takes centre stage as he battles his own demons while grappling with the encroaching influence of AI on humanity’s future. The book seamlessly intertwines thrilling escapades with introspective moments, inviting readers to ponder the complexities of the human condition.

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Confidence to Speak Openly

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Author Interview
Martine M. Osias Author Interview

Shadow-Claimed: Twisted Bargain with Nefarious Shadow Godlets explores the unnatural shift in humanity that has caused it to stray from its natural course and the truth as to the cause of this shift. What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

My goal was to help people regain the freedom, confidence to speak openly about what is interfering with our ability nowadays to be genuine full human beings able to achieve happiness on our own terms.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

As a foreigner who arrived in America thinking that success was a matter of hard work and merit, I was able the first few years to almost get there until I met evil. That is the experience that uncovered for me the realities that I describe in the book.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from Shadow-Claimed?

I hope that readers heed the alarm that I look to sound in order to make the adjustments that will protect their lives from the adverse influences while preserving their humanity.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

In a world that has evolved beyond recognition, where human characteristics, interactions, and cultural expressions seem alien compared to a century ago, this book dares to question the unnatural shift in humanity. It boldly uncovers the unspoken truths about life in today’s world, challenging the reader to say: STOP! We have strayed too far from our natural course.

The book introduces ‘Shadow Godlets’ that exert control over every facet of our lives – our homes, relationships, careers, and even our thoughts. These unseen rulers are unfolding a grand plan to give a makeover to the human race, a plan to which many have willingly or unwittingly submitted, leading to a rise in evil.

The narrative revolves around characters who are targets of this malevolent force. It also introduces ‘Nefaros’, individuals who willingly embrace evil, and ‘Portunus’, opportunists who exploit evil for personal gain. The narrative is further enriched by the presence of ‘Involunots’, involuntary participants in this grand scheme.

By delving into this book, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the patterns of evil prevalent in today’s society. Armed with this knowledge, they will be better equipped to make informed choices, preserving their freedom wherever possible.

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Entering the “Real” World

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Randy Brown Author Interview

Next Time follows a couple who fall in love despite one’s unique condition of being ripped through time unexpectedly. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The idea for Next Time was truly a lightning bolt out of nowhere, which is the only time that’s ever happened to me. I woke up at 3:30 a.m. when I was recovering from jet lag, and the basic concept popped into my brain. It must have been a good one, because I actually remembered it when I woke up. I immediately started jotting down some ideas for the story and completed writing the first draft in less than two months. To be fair, I initially resisted calling it a love story, but that’s what it turned out to be. The idea intrigued me that we see people in bits and pieces, day after day, but don’t thinking of anything of it. We see it all as continous. What about someone like Miriam who does the same, but the gaps in those bits and pieces are spread out across the calendar? She sees it as normal and is it any less of a valid perspective of continuity than ours? Does all that count as inspiration? Maybe. I just know it was a story I had to write so I could find out how it ended.

I enjoyed the romantic relationship between William and Miriam. How did their relationship develop while you were writing it? Did you have an idea of where you wanted to take it or was it organic?

Before I write anything, I usually chart out where I want the book to go with a page or so of bullet points. And then as I start writing the book, I go completely off the rails concerning those points. As I write the characters, their personality comes out in ways I didn’t expect, which to me is one of the fun parts of writing. In the case of William and Miriam, I knew I couldn’t start off with William believing her story of time-travel. He had to grow into it along with the reader. I thought it would be interesting to take a character who’s on the cusp of entering the “real” world after graduating with an advanced degree, who seemingly has his whole life planned out, and then it’s upended by a woman who’s never been able to plan more than a few minutes ahead in her own life. A lot of what you see in the book came out naturally as the story grew, hopefully just like relationships do in real life. We have an idea of where we want to take our lives but does it always turn out the way we planned it?

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

One of the things I ask myself before writing a book is the question, “Why tell this story at all?” For Next Time, the answers to that question revolved around self-sacrifice and how William and Miriam build a life together when they see each other for only hours or a few days at a time. The self-sacrifice part isn’t some noble gesture on his part. It’s a hidden part of his character that William embraces indirectly and is addressed in the story by his friends and family who don’t understand why he’d mold his life around the random appearances of Miriam. For her part, building a long-term relationship with someone is not something Miriam’s ever done in her thousand years of jumping forward through time. She knows that in a year of her time William will age 50 years, so her self-sacrifice comes about in a different way. How they get to those points and build that life is what I feel is the overall theme.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?

I have another book ready to release titled Assignment Day, about a high school student in 2080 who uncovers a secret regarding virtual reality that makes him the target of a hidden cabal running the world through the virtual landscape. It should be out by early 2025. I’m currently writing a sequel to First, my first professionally published novel that came out late 2023. Fans really took a liking to one of the AI characters in the book, and part of this book will be told from the AI’s point of view. I’m hoping to get the first draft done this summer so I can publish it next year as well. As to a sequel for Next Time? You never know…

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Fans of time-travel love stories as well as SF will enjoy Next Time, where a chance encounter with Miriam leaves William doubting her claims of randomly jumping forward in time. He is deeply skeptical when she tells him she’s been doing it for a thousand years. As Miriam randomly reappears over the next several months and years, they fall in love. Rumors of Miriam’s condition raise the attention of government agents and the couple scrambles to avoid people who view Miriam as a chance for experimentation.

William and Miriam explore their past, live for the brief interludes they have together, and hope for their future, all amidst living life in scattered moments. Building a life together takes time.

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Societal Beauty Standards

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Lori Keating Author Interview

Butterfly Ink follows a recent high school graduate who, while visiting her best friend, Becca on a private island off the coast of Florida, is offered a magical tattoo promising her fame and beauty. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The inspiration for this story began as an idea for a picture book, which may sound crazy. My daughter had always been captivated by water application tattoos, so I wanted to create a story about a magical one. As the idea developed into a young adult novel, I also wanted to create an atmosphere that would feel as enchanting as the tattoo itself. That’s when Wellington Island came to life. Additionally, my daughter was at an age where she expressed her desire to be beautiful to resemble the girls she saw on Pinterest and Instagram. This also served as inspiration for the story’s setup.

Calli undergoes some dramatic transformations, not just physically but also with her beliefs and self-worth. What morals were you trying to capture while creating your characters?

I wanted to address the pressure that young girls feel to conform to societal beauty standards and explore the idea of self-acceptance and inner beauty. In the story, the main character discovers that the magical tattoo she receives grants her physical beauty, but she soon realizes that true beauty comes from within. Through her journey, she learns to embrace her uniqueness and appreciate her own individuality.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

In Butterfly Ink, self-acceptance was a crucial theme for me to explore. The protagonist goes through a journey of learning to embrace and love herself, flaws and all. This theme is important because it highlights the significance of accepting ourselves for who we are, rather than striving for unattainable perfection. The novel also emphasizes the idea that we can forgive mistakes. Through the characters’ experiences, I wanted to convey the message that everyone makes mistakes, and it is essential to learn from them and move forward. This theme aims to instill a sense of hope and redemption in the readers. Last, the novel emphasizes the value of true love, whether it be from friendship or a romantic relationship. It showcases the power of genuine connections and the impact they have on our lives. By exploring this theme, I wanted to remind readers to cherish and appreciate the people who truly care for them, as they bring immense joy and support. Overall, Butterfly Ink aims to inspire readers to accept themselves, learn from their mistakes, and value the love that surrounds them.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

The release date for my next book, ANGELS IN THE SAND, is for January 2025. It’s about a ten-year-old girl named Jess who embarks on a journey of self-discovery as she navigates the complex emotions surrounding loss. Struggling to come to terms with her father’s untimely death and the impending loss of her beloved grandmother, Jess finds solace in the most unexpected places. As she encounters a diverse group of individuals who have all experienced profound loss and have developed a unique ability to perceive signs from their departed loved ones. These encounters prove transformative for Jess, as she learns to interpret the subtle messages that surround her and finds comfort in the belief that her father and grandmother are still with her from beyond. ANGELS IN THE SAND is a heartfelt and poignant tale that explores the universal themes of grief, healing, and the extraordinary ways in which we connect with our loved ones, even after they are gone.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Magic, Romance, and Summer Fun

Fresh out of high school, Calli Stockton, a volunteer at a children’s horse camp in Arkansas, is feeling uncertain about what lies ahead. What better way to figure things out than to spend the summer working alongside her best friend at a private island resort off the coast of Florida?

Little does she know, this experience will change her life forever. After a chance encounter with a mysterious man offering her a magical tattoo, promising fame and beauty, suddenly, Calli’s life seems to be perfect. Or is it?

When Calli faces an unexpected crossroads, she must make a challenging decision. Will she choose the life the magic offers, or will she walk away from her deepest desires and choose the people she loves the most?

Dive into the pages of Butterfly Ink and experience a splash of magic, first love, and fame, all while discovering what it truly means to be …

“altogether beYOUtiful.”

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Nonna’s Corner: Mayhem and a Monster by Jason H Finck

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Nonna’s Corner is a special feature where I share books I’ve reviewed with my grandchildren, affectionately referred to as the “Royals” here at Caffeinated.

Today we are excited to share Mayhem and a Monster: A boy’s adventure with his cat by Jason H Finck. Illustrated by Elena Komonina, this story was one the kids thoroughly enjoyed. It’s the story of a young boy who has to take out the rubbish and his cat joins him on their spooky walk to the bins. I loved how engaged my grandchild became as the story progressed. Check out our thoughts….

Nonna’s Corner: Mayhem and a Monster by Jason H Finck

Mayhem and a Monster
by Jason H Finck
Illustrator: Elena Komonina
Genres: Childrens
Pages: 34
Source: Author
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

As with some children, procrastination gets the best of this young boy when his mother asks him to take the evening’s rubbish out. When he sets out, just after dusk, to do as he’s been asked, his vivid imagination and anxious anticipation, go into hyper mode by the sounds and happenings of the evening outdoors. Down the squeaky stairs, through twisted shadows, he makes his way to the burn can, but not without hesitation. His small black cat follows him from house to burn can, perhaps known, or unbeknownst to the boy. The closing darkness makes the creepy happenings even worse, and when his imagination continues to grow, he fears he will never make it to his destination. He is sure a monster is out there somewhere ready to get him, but is that true? As suspense builds, the tale of this boy and his black cat comes to a surprise climax. Is there really such a thing as a monsters? To find out join in this journey as Mayhem and a Monster follows the boy’s adventure at this country farmhouse.

“datePublished”: “2024-06-12T05:00:00+00:00”,
“description”: “Today we are excited to share Mayhem and a Monster: A boy’s adventure with his cat by Jason H Finck. Illustrated by Elena Komonina, this story was one the kids thoroughly enjoyed. It’s the story “,
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I love when a book captures my grandchildren’s attention and Mayhem and a Monster did just that. From the title to the spooky illustrations, that were just scary enough to engage them to the surprise ending.

We meet a young boy who is asked to take out the rubbish. Clayton, my seven-year-old grandson, didn’t know the work rubbish, but our nine-year-old quickly yelled its trash. Hazel, the three-year-old, was fixed on looking for the cat. The author reminds the reader to look for the cat on every page, something they all enjoyed.

So out into the night, the young boy and his black cat head with the rubbish. The boy lives on a farm and only the moonlight highlights there way. They went down the creaky stairs and out into the dark night. It was a magnificent time for mayhem and monster. Past the barn, henhouse, the misty pond and orchard.

As I read, the children’s excitement grew and all of them would chant, “It was a magnificent time for mayhem and monster.” They had me giggling as the suspense built. When we finally reached the end, they, too, were giggling.

The writing is chapter level with vocabulary builder words that made the tale atmospheric. The illustrations were well done and added to the suspenseful tone as they made their way to the burn cans. My grandchildren loved the repeating last line and finding the cat on each page.

A winner for your bookshelf, school and library. The Royals have demanded re-reads, and the oldest has read to them as well. We were sent the hardcover and I recommend it as this one will be well loved.


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Emergence by Kim Harrison

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Emergence by Kim Harrison is the third audiobook narrated by Xe Sands in the Eclipsed Evolution trilogy. In this last installment, we shift from scientific study to politics between the humans and aliens known as “Neighbors.” Suspense, friendships, and reveals made for an interesting ending while still leaving the door open to explore more.

Emergence by Kim Harrison

by Kim Harrison
Series: Eclipsed Evolution #3
Narrator: Xe Sands
Length: 6 hours and 12 minutes
Genres: Science Fiction
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.5x

For better or worse, a solar eclipse brought humans and paranormal beings together, sparking one woman’s battle to master magic or lose our world, in this riveting serialized adventure from the New York Times bestselling author of The Hollows.

As time has passed, Dr. Renee Caisson has begun to see the demonic, alien August as more than a research subject or an unlikely colleague—they’ve become friends. And together, she and August have helped the two societies of Nextdoor and Earth through the confusion of first contact, the danger of misunderstandings, and the anger of mistreatment.

But when a popular blogger and conspiracy theorist twists August’s words, an uproar ensues, turning a powerful section of human society against the Neighbors—and resulting in Renee’s house arrest. “To protect you,” her could-be boyfriend, Major Jackson says, though that’s not how Renee sees it.

Torn between duty and friendship, August jumps Renee to freedom using the labyrinth, fully aware the journey might reveal more to her than she should know. The wily Neighbor has pieced together that Renee has been unconsciously using their magic, a fact that, if revealed, will cause more, not less conflict between their worlds.

For if the people of Earth can master their magic and exile his people again, the Neighbors will not survive.…

Audiobook friends scifi SUSPENSE

“datePublished”: “2024-06-13T05:00:00+00:00”,
“description”: “Emergence by Kim Harrison is the third audiobook narrated by Xe Sands in the Eclipsed Evolution trilogy. In this last installment, we shift from scientific study to politics between the humans an”,
“publisher”: {
“@type”: “Organization”,
“name”: “Caffeinated Reviewer” },
“url”: “”,
“itemReviewed”: {
“@type”: “Book”,
“name”: “Emergence”,
“author”: {
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “Kim Harrison”,
“sameAs”: “” },
“isbn”: “” },
“author”: {
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “Kimberly”,
“sameAs”: “” },
“reviewRating”: {
“@type”: “Rating”,
“ratingValue”: 4.5,
“bestRating”: “5”

I had fun listening to this science fiction series and loved that it was brought to audio first. I recommend listening to the trilogy in order. We’ve learned a lot about the aliens who came to our world when a portal opened during an eclipse. I loved the scientist on both sides we’ve met, and the government officials of both, not so much.

In Emergence, we move away from the scientific discovery and focus more on the politics. We’ve reached the deals and agreements phase between the races. It was interesting knowing who to trust on both sides, and Renee gets herself into some trouble.

August and Renee discover who was behind the deaths of some Neighbors. Meanwhile, Noel makes it so the Neighbors can keep and close the portal. This leads to some unexpected consequence.

Harrison kept me engaged and thinking throughout the trilogy. We were left with possibilities to explore and I am really hoping we get the chance to explore more stories. The ending is very open and left me wanting.

The relationships, both personal and work related, were interesting and added depth to the story. I enjoyed seeing how they impacted decisions.

Fans of science fiction and alien encounters will want to grab the Eclipsed Evolution series. I highly recommend listening as Xe Sands does a spectacular job of giving voice to Renee and the characters both human and neighbor.

Amazon | Audible

About Kim Harrison

Kim Harrison, author of the New York Times #1 best selling Hollows series, was born in Detroit and lived most her her life within an easy drive. She’s currently working on the Peri Reed Chronicles, and when not at her desk, is most likely to be found landscaping her new/old Victorian home, in the garden, or on the links.

About Xe Sands

Xe Sands

Xe Sands is an award-winning narrator known for her authentic characterizations and intimate delivery. She has more than a decade of experience bringing stories to life through narration, performance, and visual art, including recordings of Wonderland by Stacey D’Erasmo, The Art Forger by B. A. Shapiro, and Survival Lessons by Alice Hoffman. Sands has also been recognized for her engaging romance narrations and was named Most Impressive Narrator Discovery for titles such as Catch of the Day by Kristan Higgins and On Thin Ice by Anne Stuart.

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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 2024 Audiobook Challenge


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How to be a BAD cook: The Ultimate Quick Guide

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“How to be a BAD Cook” is a refreshingly irreverent take on the traditional cookbook. From the outset, it’s clear that this isn’t your typical guide to culinary excellence. The book sets itself apart by not only embracing the mishaps and mistakes that often haunt the kitchen but also turning them into an art form. It’s an entertaining read, filled with recipes that delightfully defy culinary norms. Each recipe is a fun exploration of how to master the art of bad cooking, making it a hilarious companion for anyone who has ever struggled with a recipe or botched a dinner party and a testament to the author’s ability to find beauty in the unexpected.

One of the book’s strongest suits is its playful writing style. The author’s casual and witty tone makes even the most mundane kitchen blunders seem like deliberate, avant-garde culinary decisions. The sections are sprinkled with humorous anecdotes and sarcastic tips that make you chuckle at the absurdity of intentionally ruining a dish.

What I particularly enjoyed about “How to be a BAD Cook” is its unexpected educational value. While the recipes are designed to make failures into meals, they actually shed light on the common pitfalls of home cooking. By showcasing how things can go wrong, the book inadvertently teaches readers what to avoid in their culinary endeavors. It’s a clever way to impart kitchen wisdom wrapped in a package of humor and satire. This book doesn’t just make you laugh, it also empowers you with knowledge to avoid these kitchen mishaps in the future.

“How to be a BAD Cook” is perfect for anyone who loves cooking but isn’t afraid to laugh at their mistakes. It’s an ideal gift for novice chefs, kitchen klutzes, or anyone who enjoys culinary humor. If you’re looking to embrace the lighter side of cooking and learn a lot along the way, this book is a must-read. It’s a celebration of culinary chaos that turns every burnt cake and failed soup into a meal ready to serve.

Pages: 102 | ASIN: B0D25S5CLV

Buy Now From Amazon

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