Personal Traumas

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Regina Buttner Author Interview

In The Revenge Paradox, a college dropout’s plan for revenge backfires after he sells the gun he stole from his stepfather to a questionable character. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Years ago, I saw a national news story about a young man whose parents were so frustrated by his refusal to contribute to the household that they had him legally evicted from their home. It got me wondering what might happen if a person in similar circumstances became so distraught that they vowed to get revenge. I used that “What if…?” question as a jumping-off point for the creation of a deeper fictional story that explores how the personal traumas that occur in a child’s early life can later drive their actions into unexpected and potentially dangerous territory.

Did you create an outline for the characters in the story before you started writing, or did the characters’ personalities grow organically as you were writing?

I create short bios for each of my main characters, along with stock photos that I pull from the internet. The bios include details of the character’s upbringing, education, and career path, as well as hobbies, sports, and other interests. I then zero in on the psychological aspects of their personality: what does this person desire, what are his greatest fears, and how does he react to the joys and stresses in his life? And most importantly, why? A person’s hidden fears and heartfelt desires are often a strong motivation for their behavior.

Do you have a favorite scene in the book? One that you especially enjoyed writing?

I had a great time writing the scene in which the husband and wife, Mitchell and Debra, are questioned by the police after an unknown assailant breaks into their home. They are each concealing information from the other, and trying hard not to tip off the police that they know more than they’re telling. It’s a tense and compelling scene that’s loaded with deception and innuendo.

What is the next book fans can look forward to seeing from you?

Next up is Mango Republic, a zany and darkly funny tale of suspense about an earnest but clueless young husband who gets caught in the crossfire between his overbearing father-in-law, a hell-on-wheels ex-girlfriend, and a wealthy resort owner with criminal connections. For a change of pace, this one’s set on the Gulf coast of Florida, where danger lurks in the mangroves!

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Revenge has a way of backfiring sometimes.

College dropout-turned-Amazon reseller Rudy Hodgens vows revenge when his parents evict him for refusing to get a real job and generally being a slacker. If it weren’t for his friend Fudgie offering him a place to crash, he’d be on the street. Good thing he stole his stepfather’s gun before he moved out.
Rudy thinks he’s onto a promising new business venture when he sells the gun to a shady acquaintance who’s eager for as much illicit merchandise as Rudy can supply. Plus there’s Laci, the alluring pink-haired girl he recently met at the bus stop. They begin dating, and Laci persuades Rudy to return to school. All of a sudden, life’s looking up.

But the stolen gun triggers a chain of events that threaten to derail Rudy’s newfound happiness, and his desire for vengeance takes a violent turn. Only Laci can save him from his worst impulses, but there’s a catch—Laci’s secretly out for revenge too, and Rudy’s standing in her way.

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