Day: June 30, 2024

Sunday Post 634

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The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

My husband had some minor surgery this week, and I had another doctor’s appointment. We had a few days in the upper 90s and low 100s. No complaints here. We are taking the Royals with us on vacation mid-July and the two of them are getting excited. First airplane, museums, the beach… lots of fun planned. Poor Hazel wants to come too, but she isn’t potty trained, so we told her next year. Stay Caffeinated.

Last Week on the Blog
  • A Ruse Of Shadows By Sherry Thomas (audiobook review)
  • A Happier Life By Kristy Woodson Harvey (book review)
  • A Pinch Of Salt By Lucy Marin (guest post/book review)
  • One Cursed Rose by Rebecca Zanetti (book review)
  • Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood (audiobook review)
This Week on the Blog
  • The Unwedding By Ally Condie (audiobook review)
  • Drow Protector By Martha Carr (audiobook review)
  • The Outlaw Noble Salt By Amy Harmon (guest post/book review)
  • 2024 Audiobook Challenge Mid-Year Check-In (event)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe
  • A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston

A special thanks to Penguin Random House Audio

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Personal Traumas

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Regina Buttner Author Interview

In The Revenge Paradox, a college dropout’s plan for revenge backfires after he sells the gun he stole from his stepfather to a questionable character. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Years ago, I saw a national news story about a young man whose parents were so frustrated by his refusal to contribute to the household that they had him legally evicted from their home. It got me wondering what might happen if a person in similar circumstances became so distraught that they vowed to get revenge. I used that “What if…?” question as a jumping-off point for the creation of a deeper fictional story that explores how the personal traumas that occur in a child’s early life can later drive their actions into unexpected and potentially dangerous territory.

Did you create an outline for the characters in the story before you started writing, or did the characters’ personalities grow organically as you were writing?

I create short bios for each of my main characters, along with stock photos that I pull from the internet. The bios include details of the character’s upbringing, education, and career path, as well as hobbies, sports, and other interests. I then zero in on the psychological aspects of their personality: what does this person desire, what are his greatest fears, and how does he react to the joys and stresses in his life? And most importantly, why? A person’s hidden fears and heartfelt desires are often a strong motivation for their behavior.

Do you have a favorite scene in the book? One that you especially enjoyed writing?

I had a great time writing the scene in which the husband and wife, Mitchell and Debra, are questioned by the police after an unknown assailant breaks into their home. They are each concealing information from the other, and trying hard not to tip off the police that they know more than they’re telling. It’s a tense and compelling scene that’s loaded with deception and innuendo.

What is the next book fans can look forward to seeing from you?

Next up is Mango Republic, a zany and darkly funny tale of suspense about an earnest but clueless young husband who gets caught in the crossfire between his overbearing father-in-law, a hell-on-wheels ex-girlfriend, and a wealthy resort owner with criminal connections. For a change of pace, this one’s set on the Gulf coast of Florida, where danger lurks in the mangroves!

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Revenge has a way of backfiring sometimes.

College dropout-turned-Amazon reseller Rudy Hodgens vows revenge when his parents evict him for refusing to get a real job and generally being a slacker. If it weren’t for his friend Fudgie offering him a place to crash, he’d be on the street. Good thing he stole his stepfather’s gun before he moved out.
Rudy thinks he’s onto a promising new business venture when he sells the gun to a shady acquaintance who’s eager for as much illicit merchandise as Rudy can supply. Plus there’s Laci, the alluring pink-haired girl he recently met at the bus stop. They begin dating, and Laci persuades Rudy to return to school. All of a sudden, life’s looking up.

But the stolen gun triggers a chain of events that threaten to derail Rudy’s newfound happiness, and his desire for vengeance takes a violent turn. Only Laci can save him from his worst impulses, but there’s a catch—Laci’s secretly out for revenge too, and Rudy’s standing in her way.

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Giving Back to Nature

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Asen Stoyanchev Author Interview

In Nori’s Amazing First Hike, a curious three-year-old and her family embark on an outdoor adventure, revel in the beauty around them, and give back to nature by planting a tree together. Why was this an important book for you to write?

This was an important book for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted it to be as a keepsake for my family and especially for my 3-year-old daughter Nori (short for Eleonora) who’s the main character in the book and of course the main inspiration. Secondly, I’m an avid hiker and generally a very outdoorsy person. I love everything about nature and hiking including writing about it. My main goal with this book was to instill nature appreciation and love for exploration of the Great Outdoors in young readers. For me, that’s very important, especially in the digital world we live in where we’re flooded with screens. Being in nature heals the sole and recalibrates our minds and the sooner one understands that the better.

Planting the tree was something that I wanted to include in the book because it shows the importance of giving back to nature.

Is there anything from your own life included in the characters and experiences in your book?

Yes, the three main characters – Nori, her mom, and dad are all real. That’s me and my family. Some scenes of the book follow some of the hikes we did with Nori. For example, the scene where Dad kneels down, points at a butterfly, and explains to Nori its life stages is something that happened in real life during one of our hikes. We saw a gorgeous butterfly and I kneeled down to marvel at it. Nori was very intrigued by it and started asking me funny questions about the butterfly and the insects.

Can you share with us a little about your collaboration with illustrator Kateryna Mansarliiska?

Kateryna is a young illustrator from Ukraine. We met online via a collaboration platform and I really liked her previous illustrations. So, I asked her to help me with the book and she instantly agreed. Working with her was a breeze. There was a lot of back and forth until we nail down the right scenes and the ideal colors but it was a fun process and we both liked it.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

Nothing specific to mention yet. I have an idea about writing a book involving a little boy who goes cycling with his new bike but that’s all. It’s still a very vague idea. Soon, I will start working on it more thoroughly.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Amazon

What secrets does nature unveil to a young explorer on her first hiking trip?

Embark on a heartwarming journey with Nori, a sweet 3-year-old, inspired by the real-life experiences of the author’s own daughter.
Follow Nori as she ventures to the mountains with her parents, an awe-inspiring experience filled with discovery, learning, and the sheer joy of being in nature.
With each step, Nori learns valuable lessons about respect and love for the natural world. Most importantly, she learns how to overcome challenges.
Aimed at kids aged 2-6 and beautifully illustrated, this is the perfect book if you want to ignite your child’s imagination and instill a deep appreciation for nature, all through a narrative that combines fun and learning.

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Survival and the Will to Live

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Lena Gibson Author Interview

The Edge of Life follows two individuals fleeing Seattle who manage to find love once more as they navigate the myriad of dangers accompanying an asteroid that threatens Earth. Where did the idea for this novel come from?

The main idea came from reading online about Vivos xPoint in South Dakota. It’s a decommissioned military base with underground bunkers that they sell as “cabins.” During the early days of the pandemic, they sold like hotcakes. I thought they looked interesting and read more on their website about how the location was intentional, too far from an important city to be a target of a nuclear attack, away from the tectonic activity of the Ring of Fire, and beyond the Yellowstone blast zone. It was somewhere safe.

This made me decide that a global catastrophe would send my characters on a cross-country road trip as society crumbled around them.

What was your approach to writing the interactions between your characters?

I wanted it to be believable that in the face of danger, Kat and Ryan could find the good in themselves, each other, and the world, despite the chaos. I wanted to include simple moments that were sweet and intimate, so they could get to know one another and be vulnerable.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Survival and the will to live

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

I am doing the final line edits for the sequel to The Edge of Life: Love and Survival During the Apocalypse, called Aftermath: Into the Unknown. It takes place three years after the first story and is another road trip to Vita xTerra (my fictional bunker based on the real one). The FMC is looking for her uncle who was a minor character in the first book. It will be published December 19th, 2024.

The third book in the series (Love and Survival #3) is in the planning stage and will take place a few years after Aftermath and is set in the bunker city. The characters in the first two books will be featured, though they will not be the main focus.

I have two additional books being published in 2025, the third and final installment in my Train Hoppers series for April and an all-new sports romance, Racing Towards Destiny (series name: Love on Track) about a woman who abandons her old life, moves to Europe, and takes a job working with professional motorcycle racers on the MotoGP circuit.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

To cope with everyday life, neurodivergent Kat is a secret binge drinker, and jilted Ryan is a workaholic. Disillusioned, neither does more than go through the motions of living-then comes the asteroid.

Warned that a planet-killing asteroid is on a collision course with Earth, acquaintances Kat and Ryan join forces in an effort to survive. Mere hours before impact, they race toward the safety of Ryan’s inherited South Dakota bunker, encountering chaos. A last-ditch effort to nuke the asteroid only manages to fragment it into chunks causing multiple strikes.

Earthquakes, fire, and volcanic ashfall assail Kat and Ryan, who turn to each other for solace. Kat finds someone kind who values her differences and Ryan finds himself falling for Kat’s pluck and quick-thinking. Though jaded, they learn to trust and rely on one another.

Attempting to survive the onslaught of their new world, Kat and Ryan must reach the bunker before imminent food shortages and catastrophic climate change cause society to further unravel.
The Edge of Life shows that survival can include falling in love. With steamy romance and non-stop action, this is one thrilling apocalypse road trip you shouldn’t miss.

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The Great Boomsky

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Margaret B. Steele’s The Great Boomsky offers a compelling historical account of the life and career of Isaac Willis, known on stage as ‘The Great Boomsky.’ Through meticulous research and an engaging narrative, Steele captures the fascinating journey of Willis from the cotton fields of Georgia to the grand stages of magic shows against the backdrop of America’s transformative period of racial and social change. This book does not merely chronicle the rise of a Black magician but also paints a vivid picture of the era’s cultural and racial dynamics.

Steele’s writing shines with clarity and richness, successfully bringing to life the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Her prose is accessible yet sophisticated, balancing well between academic rigor and narrative engagement. The structure of the book, with detailed chapters divided into acts, cleverly mirrors the theatrical world that Boomsky inhabited.

I enjoyed the book’s exploration of themes such as resilience, identity, and the struggle for recognition against the odds. Steele’s portrayal of Willis navigating the complex racial landscapes of his time offers insightful reflections on the intersections of race, entertainment, and history.

Steele’s rigorous research is evident throughout the book, showcasing an impressive command of historical detail and context. The inclusion of photographs, posters, and newspaper clippings not only enriches the historical authenticity but also provides a visual connection to the past.

The Great Boomsky, by Margaret B. Steele, illuminates a previously underrepresented figure in magic and entertainment. I recommend Steele’s book to readers interested in history, particularly those keen on the intersections of race, culture, and performance art. It’s also a valuable resource for enthusiasts of magic and performance history.

Pages: 494 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D5DK1G4Y

Buy Now From Amazon

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Camellia Season, by Natasha Peterson, is a moving character-driven coming-of-age novel set against the backdrop of late 1960s New Orleans. The narrative centers on young Cherie and her friends as they navigate the complexities of adolescence amidst a city in flux. Cherie, confined by the turmoil of her unhinged mother and the challenges of her environment, finds solace in her wordless diary—a silent companion filled with drawings marking time and counting down to an uncertain future. As her diary ticks toward zero, Cherie must confront and overcome the trials that come with the threshold of adulthood.

Peterson’s novel is a masterfully written exploration of growing up, offering a profound look into Cherie’s world and the people who shape it. The depth of character development is remarkable, vividly bringing to life the personalities, beliefs, and aspirations of each individual in Cherie’s life. The nuanced portrayal of these characters creates a compelling narrative where each person’s story is integral, adding rich layers to the overall tapestry of the novel. Cherie’s evolution is palpable through her actions, narration, and increasing comprehension of her world.

Peterson’s skillful use of tone effectively conveys the darker elements of the story through the eyes of a younger protagonist, adding an authentic and relatable perspective to the unfolding events. The intertwining of side characters’ stories—whether uplifting or tragic—enhances the sense of a living, breathing world where every character matters.

Camellia Season is an immersive read that I highly recommend, especially to young women seeking a resonant, heartfelt story. It captivates from the first page, drawing readers into Cherie’s tumultuous life and her yearning for escape. This is a novel that beckons you to return, eager to delve deeper into its narrative layers. Natasha Peterson has crafted a compelling tale, and I eagerly anticipate her future works.

Pages: 288 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CYY6MMS1

Buy Now From Amazon

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