Circle of Sawdust: A Circus Memoir of Mud, Myth, Mirth, Mayhem, and Magic

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Rob Mermin’s Circle of Sawdust takes readers on an exhilarating journey through the life of a man who turned his boyhood dream into a reality by founding Circus Smirkus. This memoir chronicles Rob’s life before establishing the circus, highlighting his early aspiration to join a traveling circus—a dream that led him to run away in 1969. His path to success was significantly shaped by his studies under the renowned mime Marcel Marceau, who became a close friend and mentor. Rob’s journey took him across England as he honed his craft and built his reputation as Clown Robin, eventually leading to a prestigious invitation to perform at Circus Benneweis in Copenhagen, a notable highlight of his career.

The book captures the essence of Rob’s experiences, detailing both the triumphs and challenges of his profession. The narrative is enriched by vivid descriptions that bring the circus world to life, offering a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the realities of circus life. From the peak moments of his career, such as his partnership with the remarkable performance dog Rufus, to the struggles of facing financial hardships and unemployment, Rob’s story is both inspiring and humbling.

One of the memoir’s strengths lies in its ability to convey the thrill and unpredictability of the circus while also imparting broader life lessons. Rob’s determination and passion for his dream shine through, making this not just a recounting of his career but a testament to the power of perseverance. The author’s ability to capture the magic of the circus, while maintaining an anonymous presence in his performances, adds a unique layer of intrigue and charm to the narrative. Readers will find themselves smiling at moments of quiet revelation, where Rob witnesses the audience’s awe at his performances without them realizing the performer is in their midst.

Circle of Sawdust is a celebration of pursuing one’s dreams with relentless determination. Rob Mermin’s engaging storytelling and rich, evocative descriptions make this book a compelling and enlightening read. It stands out as one of the most distinctive and inspirational memoirs, offering a deep appreciation for the dedication and artistry of those who bring the magic of the circus to life.

Pages: 340 | ISBN : 978-1578691562

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