Day: June 27, 2024

Heal Holistically

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Dr. Shon Shree Lewis Author Interview

UnTraumatized shares mental health techniques, spiritual principles, and your personal stories of God’s healing & recovery. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Sharing my experiences as a memoir helped me to process it and recover from the devastations of my past traumas. I also wanted to empower others as a Mental Health Counselor, how to heal holistically from crisis and trauma with hope and resilience.

Trauma can take various forms and impact each person differently. What ideas were important for you to share in this book so that it would be relatable to a wide audience?

Acknowledging a person’s pain and suffering to safe people and counselors and providing spiritual, professional, and personal knowledge for every reader to feel hope to heal.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your book?

God is the ultimate healer of all pain, grief, and loss. He redeems us through His unconditional love, forgiveness, prayer, healing, and the support of family, friends, and counselors.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be published?

My next book focus is likely going to be about living a resilient life through the wisdom of God.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

Do you need healing from Crisis & Trauma dealing with Depression, Covid19, Grief & Loss, Sexual Abuse, & other Traumas? This powerful book shares mental health techniques, spiritual principles, and my personal stories of God’s healing & recovery that will empower each reader to overcome any crisis and trauma with resilience.

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