A Pinch of Salt by Lucy Marin

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Sophia Rose is here with a modern variation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Come check out her thoughts on A Pinch of Salt by Lucy Marin. You’ll want to have snacks for this foodie contemporary romance!

A Pinch of Salt by Lucy Marin

A Pinch of Salt
by Lucy Marin
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

The only place she has ever worked is some dinky inn in a tourist town no one’s heard of, and she only has the job because her family owns it.

WHEN WILL DARCY ENTERS A COOKING SHOW for top chefs, he is seeking one to prove that he deserves the awards and accolades he has won because he is a gifted cook, not because of his family name.

ELIZABETH BENNET ENTERS THE COMPETITION with a similar goal. She has not had the training or the experience that the other competitors might possess but she knows she is a gifted chef. Furthermore the prize money will do a great deal to help her family restaurant stay afloat. Hearing Will Darcy slight her before they’ve ever even begun confirms for her that he is no better than any other rich, entitled restauranteur.

AS THE COMPETITION HEATS UP, friendships and family relations are tested and tried. Tensions rise as one after another, the less capable chefs are sent home and amid the heat of the kitchen, romance begins to blossom. Will and Elizabeth are both equally determined to become the Last Chef Standing, but they soon discover that, even if they lose, they might win a far greater prize.

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“description”: “Sophia Rose is here with a modern variation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Come check out her thoughts on A Pinch of Salt by Lucy Marin. You’ll want to have snacks for this foodie contempo”,
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“author”: {
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“bestRating”: “5”

Sophia Rose’s Review

A high drama cooking competition show is the setting for a slow burn enemies to lovers that gives more than a nod to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Lucy Marin leaves the bonnets and top hats behind to pen her first contemporary, and I was salivating for the result.

Naturally, the fun part of reading a contemporary retelling of a classic is seeing the setting and how the author writes the familiar characters into her story. A Pinch of Salt isn’t so much as a retelling as a tribute to and is most definitely a foodie tale with a capital ‘F’. Loaded with cooking show set up, challenges, ingredients, and sizzling kitchen rivalry. You really get a deep dive into a Canadian cooking show and five-star international ingredients and creations which creates the bulk of the page time. I do love my food, but I’m no gourmet food connoisseur. Therefore, much of what they were using for ingredients and the dishes made up tended to fly right past me though some, my mouth actually watered a few times.

The characters are mainly the cooking show contestants and judging team. I enjoyed the camaraderie that formed- or was already present- among many of them. Will Darcy along with his two cousins, get chosen for the show. Elizabeth is joined by her bestie Charlotte. There are a few other contestants among whom are some really bad sorts. As to the judging panel, there are two women and one man who were a curious blend of personalities. 

I don’t know much about cooking shows, but I thought a couple of those judges were pretty outlandish and even the over the top ‘villain’ personalities of a couple of the contestants would seem weird choices if a cooking contest show wants to succeed.  But, admittedly, these choices do bring the drama along with the added choice to have the contestants all staying in a dormitory setting where there are cameras filming their downtime too.

The romance pair gets off on the wrong foot when Will Darcy, the chef from a cooking dynasty and all the pressure to prove himself and not ride on his daddy’s coattails, insults small town cook, Elizabeth Bennet, who knows her worth cooking and catering events for her family’s inn which needs the financial boost from the prize money. The romance takes a back seat to the show contest most of the time because Will and Elizabeth tend to not spend much time in direct conversation. The reader gets their thoughts as they observe each other interacting with the others and have a growing respect as they watch each other perform for the contests. 

Will fell for Elizabeth long before she let go of her grudge over his early insult and arrogance. She clung to those wounded feelings to the end delivering a wince-worthy slam when he did speak up about his feelings. This seemed an obvious enemies to lovers at quick glance, but was more a friends to lovers the way it developed. I don’t mind a sweet romance with focus often away from the romance itself, but I would have liked a bit more direct development between them before the I Love Yous.

The suspense as the contestants are eliminated and the challenges growing more intense as it went along was great and I liked seeing how the group tightened up and acted more as a team at times than rivals. Though yes, someone has to win, and I was nervous to see who. All in all, I enjoyed diving into the food and contestant show world for a long game romance and recommend this for sweet contemporary romance fans who like a deep dive into that world.



About Lucy Marin

Lucy Marin

Lucy Marin developed a love for reading at a young age and whiled away many hours imagining how stories might continue or what would happen if there was a change in the circumstances faced by the protagonists. After reading her first Austen novel, a life-long ardent admiration was borne. Lucy was introduced to the world of Austen variations after stumbling across one at a used bookstore while on holiday in London. This led to the discovery of the online world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction and, soon after, she picked up her pen and began to transfer the stories in her head to paper. Lucy lives in Toronto, Canada surrounded by hundreds of books and a loving family. She teaches environmental studies, loves animals and trees and exploring the world around her.

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About Sophia Rose

Sophia Rose

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, and gardening. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.


Original source: https://caffeinatedbookreviewer.com/2024/06/a-pinch-of-salt-by-lucy-marin.html

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