The Grace of Crows, Second Edition

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Saylor Crawmore’s ongoing anxiety has not only disrupted her life, but as Saylor fears, may have also affected her teenage children. Even though her husband scoffs at her concerns-tells her that their kids are fine-Saylor still wonders if her issues have caused what she suspects is her son’s obsessive-compulsive disorder and her daughter’s body dysmorphia. Through all this, Saylor must also contend with her narcissistic mother, who blames Saylor for her own unhappiness.

Saylor has tried everything she can think of to combat her fears, including self-help books, therapy, and medication. Nothing, so far, has worked. Yet, when she reconnects with her childhood friend, Billy, Saylor begins to hope. Homeless and alone since his teens, Billy brings to light Saylor’s buried memory about the fateful night that led to her anxiety. Sage-like and empathetic, yet also paranoid and delusional, he vanishes after their encounter. Devastated, Saylor sets out on a quest to find him again, a journey in which the kindness of strangers leads to her own acceptance and healing-while also revealing a long-held secret that ultimately unites her to Billy in a way she never thought possible.

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