Rough Edges: A Steamy Single Parents Romance

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Elsa Jacobs’ Rough Edges is a heartfelt contemporary romance that follows the lives of two single parents whose paths cross when their teenage sons become fast friends on the high school basketball team. Laura Fields, a dedicated nurse and single mother, has been navigating life alone since the tragic death of her husband eleven years ago. Bennett Keller, a recent widower and factory foreman, relocates from Cleveland to a small New York town to provide a fresh start for his son Marcus, who has been struggling since losing his mother five years prior. As their sons, Daniel and Marcus, play matchmaker, Laura and Bennett find themselves drawn to each other despite their initial reservations.

The charm of Rough Edges lies in the fresh twist of two teenage boys scheming to unite their parents. This engaging subplot injects a unique and delightful dynamic into the story, offering a departure from typical romantic narratives. The boys’ genuine desire to form a cohesive family unit is palpable and heartwarming; Laura fills a void in Marcus’s life, and Bennett does the same for Daniel, fostering a bond that extends beyond mere friendship between the boys. This interconnectedness leads Laura and Bennett to spend more time together, allowing their relationship to blossom naturally. The chemistry between the characters is undeniable, and as Laura gets to know Bennett better, her perception of him shifts, revealing the depth of their connection.

While the novel’s ending is satisfying, it left me wishing for an epilogue to glimpse the future of Laura, Bennett, and their sons. Seeing how their newly formed family continues to evolve would have been a delightful addition, enriching the story’s resolution and providing a fuller sense of closure. The early moments of tension between Laura and Bennett add an interesting layer to the narrative. Laura’s initial misjudgments based on Bennett’s tattoos and his job as a factory foreman create a compelling starting point for her character’s growth. Her evolving perception of Bennett, as she comes to appreciate his dedication as a single father, enriches the storyline and deepens their relationship. The author’s writing style adds to the book’s distinctive voice, encouraging readers to engage more deeply with the text and its underlying themes.

Rough Edges is a warm and engaging romance that beautifully captures the complexities of blending families and finding love after loss. I highly recommend this book to fans of contemporary romance, especially those who enjoy stories centered on family dynamics and personal growth. Jacobs’ novel offers a touching portrayal of second chances and the unexpected paths that lead to healing and happiness.

Pages: 348 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CTD61Y82

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