Routine Dental Visits

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Latia Smith RDH Author Interview

Peter’s Trip to the Dentist follows a six-year-old boy who visits the dentist for the first time and learns all about dental hygiene in a fun and engaging environment. What was the inspiration for your story?

The inspiration for Peter’s Trip to the Dentist was having had the opportunity to work in a pediatric dental setting, which provides a kid-friendly environment suited to meet the dental needs of children. The children were always so happy to come in for the routine check-up and cleaning with the two real-life dental characters featured in my book. The dentist and staff are trained to work with children, fostering a foundation for dental health with early detection, oral care lessons, and nutritional counseling. I wanted to share a positive experience with young readers, alleviate any anxiety, and help prepare children for their dental visits.

What educational aspects were important for you to include in this children’s book?

The important educational aspects of this book include a step-by-step guide dictating to children what they should expect for their routine dental visits. It was also important to encourage healthy eating and drinking habits, as well as caring for one’s teeth with brushing and flossing.

What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

My goal was to make this children’s dental book a fun read and to reach many young readers in an exciting way by introducing the world of dentistry to them.

I hope the series continues in other books. If so, where will the story take readers?

Readers can continue to read more fun books about pediatric dentistry, such as Charlotte Gets Braces, and Mimi Gets a Tooth Filling, both of which share a unique story and step-by-step guide for both procedures, with colorful illustrations and characters that bring the story to life through each of their journeys.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Amazon

Join six-year-old Peter as he journeys across town with his family to visit the dentist.

An elaborate office, embellished in a Zoo-like theme, gives a warm, welcoming feeling to all of its pediatric patients. The office’s dental hygienist, Ms. Stacy, guides Peter step-by-step throughout the entire procedure of his dental cleaning as she introduces all the fancy tools and equipment that she uses during the treatment. Yummy flavors are always an incentive for getting your teeth polished, as the choices are endless. Removing sugar bugs off of the teeth produces a sparking smile, while radiographs help to ensure there is no tooth decay, which may be underlying. Peter learns about taking X-ray pictures and gets a lesson on home care instructions to maintain a healthy dentition. Goody bags and treasure prizes are such a treat, making Peter’s trip to the dentist complete.

A pleasant time with the hygienist and dentist makes Peter look forward to his next dental visit!

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