Day: June 16, 2024

Nîmes and Other Destinations

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Nîmes I was standing on a corner in Nîmes admiring the Maison Carrée, thinking that the roof of the Roman temple resembled the accent—the so-called petit chapeau—over the “i” in the town’s name, when a sudden blow knocked me off my feet, and there I lay, spreadeagle (or is it spreadeagled?) on the ground, like […]

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Sunday Post #632

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The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

It was a busy week with a fun concert, plenty of sunshine and some temps in the 90s. We have fallen into a summer routine, but this week I have two doctor appointments with all three grandchildren tagging along- oh joy! LOL Someone asked me how the progressive glasses were working out, and I am happy to report I love them. I got over the weirdness and I am so glad I went with them. I also love the tinting that turns them into sunglasses when I head outdoors. Stay Caffeinated.

Last Week on the Blog
  • The Desk From Hoboken By M.L. Condike (audiobook review)
  • The Summer Escape By Jill Shalvis (book review)
  • Emergence By Kim Harrison (audiobook review)
  • Nonna’s Corner: Mayhem And A Monster By Jason H Finck (book review)
This Week on the Blog
  • Winter Lost By Patricia Briggs (book review)
  • All Our Tomorrows By Catherine Bybee (book review)
  • The Hidden Heir By Samuel Lockwood (guest post/book review)
  • Not In Love By Ali Hazelwood (audiobook review)
  • This Way To Murder By Shelley Shearer (audiobook review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe
  • The Mirror by Nora Roberts
  • The Love Shack by Lori Foster
  • A Werewolf’s Guide to Seducing a Vampire by Sarah Hawley

A special thanks to St. Martin’s Press, Harlequin & Berkley

Around The Blogosphere
  • #JIAM Audiobook Challenge June 1st-through June 30th. Sign up!
Caffeinated PR

We’ve got a small-town romance open for a book tour. All social media accounts are welcome. ARCs are available now.

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My Health & Fitness Journey

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My Health & Fitness Journey, by Libor Jelenek, is a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking personal wellness transformation. The book is structured around a multi-stage approach to fitness and health, combining personal reflection, practical tips, and progressive goal setting to support readers in developing a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. With sections ranging from tracking fitness goals to understanding nutritional balance and setting powerful long-term objectives, it offers a roadmap to achieving personal wellness milestones.

One of the most compelling aspects of Jelenek’s book is its emphasis on personalization and reflection. The initial stages focus on understanding one’s past behaviors and the influence of close relationships on one’s health journey. I found “A Picture of Connection” particularly touching as it reminds us that our health is intertwined with the people we love. This emotional connection can serve as a powerful motivator for readers to commit to their fitness goals, making the journey feel less solitary and more supportive.

The book shines in its practical sections, offering clear, actionable advice on setting and achieving fitness goals. The detailed breakdowns on calculating Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) and adjusting macronutrient intake are invaluable. These sections demystify the often-confusing aspects of nutrition and exercise, making them accessible to beginners and those more experienced.

The book’s comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of a health journey are covered, providing meticulous tracking tools in the exercise and food diaries. These detailed logs offer a structured framework for those who thrive on precision and want to monitor their progress closely. This level of detail is particularly beneficial for readers who appreciate a systematic approach, enabling them to gain in-depth insights into their fitness and nutritional habits and make informed adjustments to their routines.

My Health & Fitness Journey is a robust guide ideal for those ready to take an in-depth approach to their health and fitness. It excels in providing a blend of emotional encouragement and practical strategies, making it a comprehensive resource for achieving long-term wellness goals. I think this book is best suited for people motivated by detailed planning and reflection and looking for a thorough guide to support their journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Pages: 316 | ISBN : 978-1763555501

Buy Now From Amazon

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Honest Reflections – For Everyday Life

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Honest Reflections, by Traei Tsai, is a captivating collection of over 80 musings that blend the ordinary with the extraordinary. Through a series of concise reflections paired with evocative photographs, Tsai explores the nuances of everyday life and larger socio-political and cultural themes. This compact volume reads like an art-and-reflections journal, combining the introspective quality of a personal diary with the visual allure of a photo essay. Each piece invites readers to engage in a dance of text and image, with some entries juxtaposing the two elements provocatively, while others seamlessly integrate them.

Tsai’s writing, which sometimes adopts a poetry-like form, presents a complexity that often enriches the reading experience, offering depth and provoking thoughtful interpretation. The interplay between words and visuals is particularly striking in entries such as “Fear of Colors,” “Dandelion,” and “Rose Quartz,” where text and images not only flow together but also stand distinct, creating a multi-layered reading experience. Photographs like “Blow This” and “Everything is for Sale” powerfully enhance the accompanying reflections on themes like loss of agency and racism. These visual elements often communicate profound meanings, sometimes more effectively than the text itself. A notable highlight is the verse “What the Dog Saw Everyday,” a charming and natural piece that also serves as the cover’s artwork. Its sequel, “What the Real Dog Saw Everyday,” continues the exploration of themes like motherhood and reflection, creating a cohesive link between the two pieces through both photography and prose.

Honest Reflections – For Everyday Life stands out as a testament to the power of personal observation and artistic expression, offering a fresh lens through which to view the ordinary and the extraordinary. Its ability to provoke thought and inspire reflection makes Honest Reflections a compelling read for anyone interested in exploring the intersections of life, art, and social commentary. Through this intimate and visually engaging work, Tsai provides a meaningful journey into the everyday moments that shape our understanding of the world around us.

Pages: 198 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CPL1HYXB

Buy Now From Amazon

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Brotherly Bond

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Book Review

In Brotherly Bond, by Nicole Atkinson, the adventure begins with five-year-old twins, Alex and Tristan, eagerly asking their mother to visit the bookstore. Their mother agrees, but only after she has put away the groceries. The bookstore is depicted as a magical haven filled with books, toys, and other delights, capturing the twins’ imaginations. Upon arrival, their mother allows them time to explore and discover treasures that spark their interest. Ironically, both boys are drawn to the same farm puzzle, a choice that frustrates Alex because Tristan has a habit of imitating his every move. This leads to a minor conflict. Back at home, Alex’s patience wears thin, resulting in a fight with Tristan. The story then explores whether Alex can empathize with Tristan’s feelings and whether they can resolve their differences and enjoy playing and reading together.

This touching narrative resonates deeply, particularly in its portrayal of sibling dynamics. Tristan’s belief that Alex doesn’t love him, leading to his solitary play, is heart-wrenching. Atkinson adeptly addresses these complex emotions, allowing young readers to relate to the characters’ experiences. The story encourages children to empathize with Alex and Tristan, guiding them through their emotions and fostering understanding and compassion.

Nicole Atkinson’s background as an Early Childhood Educator shines through in her storytelling. Her expertise in engaging and teaching children is evident, making Brotherly Bond both educational and entertaining. She skillfully crafts a story that resonates with young readers, encouraging them to reflect on their own sibling relationships. The vibrant illustrations by Sangi Parvin enhance the narrative, bringing Alex and Tristan’s experiences to life. The detailed and colorful artwork immerses readers in the twins’ world, effectively complementing Atkinson’s storytelling. Parvin’s illustrations capture the essence of the boys’ playful and occasionally contentious interactions, enriching the overall reading experience.

Brotherly Bond is a delightful and insightful story that will captivate both young readers and adults. Atkinson’s ability to weave a compelling narrative while addressing important emotional themes makes this book a valuable addition to children’s literature. Readers will find themselves engrossed in Alex and Tristan’s journey, gaining valuable lessons along the way.

Coming Soon

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Patience and Endurance

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Keith Gillum Author Interview

Blue Dream follows a man whose dream reveals a mysterious symbol and opens the door to an entirely new reality. Where did the idea for this novel come from?

Originally, I wanted to write a fantasy novel. I kept picturing a young guy and a dwarf robot crossing a pitch-black chasm. That’s pretty much what started the book. And then I entered a miniature screenplay contest where Dom adventures through an evil tunnel. I didn’t win, but the judge said it read like the beginning to a cool Sci-fi movie. So, I took his advice, writing a novel instead.

I found Dom to be a fascinating character. What was the inspiration for his traits and dialogue?

Most readers feel a strong connection to Dom. I think it’s because anyone can relate to the inner turmoil he experiences. It’s all part of the fight of life. He struggles to find a place in the world and is happy to learn a new one is well on the way. Although, getting there isn’t easy.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

In Blue Dream, I draw on Christian themes time and time again. Especially, the encouragement found in Revelation and the rewards that come from patience and endurance.

Can readers look forward to more work from you soon? What are you currently working on?

I poured everything I could into Blue Dream. It’s all in there, really. Every part of me and everything I’ve experienced and know. Right now, I occasionally post on my substack. Other than that, starting a political campaign for State Rep has been taking up most of my free time.

Author Links: GoodReads | Substack | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Sometimes you have to dive deep to find God. Hope you can swim…

Dom has been living in digital paradise for as long as he can remember. He’s lucky enough to be one of the gogglers of the Trop. However, having all that he can imagine has been less than blissful. He thinks too much, consumes too little, and it’s stressing out his manager.

Everything changes one night when a dream swims his way, and he finds a mysterious symbol. Soon he is sliding into a new reality and following a way he knows little about. His decision to go deeper brings him face to face with the scariest depths of the program. The ensuing battle will require him to wear the full armor of God.

BLUE DREAM. Find faith in the static.

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Vulnerable to the Outside World

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Joseph Rein Author Interview

Youtopia follows an FBI agent assigned to investigate a most unique murder committed within a virtual reality mind-space. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The concept for Youtopia started as a short conversation in a larger work, a sort of farfetched conversation about people living in their own brains. At the time, I was probably exploring the idea in a shorter, safer space. But as the years passed, as I saw more and more people living in their phones instead of the world before them, the more I realized the idea was serious, and that I should treat it as such. It became a murder mystery in my mind because the premise felt inherently dangerous: what happens when we live only within ourselves, leaving us vulnerable to the outside world? From there, the book took off.

How long did it take you to imagine, draft, and write the world your characters live in?

I started drafting Youtopia in 2018, so from start to publication, it took about six years! That seems like a lot, but most writers know that pouring yourself into a novel is quite a process. Ana and the concept were pretty well-rounded from the outset, but a lot of my revisions (after getting some great feedback from editors) had to do with building up both the world and the crime aspects of the book. I’m no cyber expert, so I spent a lot of time reading about cybercrimes and the ins and outs of the technological world today to flesh it out.

What was your favorite character to write for and why? Was there a scene you felt captured the character’s essence?

This is such a hard question! I loved writing Ana because she was the most like myself: introspective, very strong at times but vulnerable in others. I enjoyed writing Sonya Young, the creator of Youtopia because she is the eccentric genius type. I researched the oddities of real-life geniuses and tried to insert some of those peculiarities into her character. But my favorite character to write had to be Terrance Martin, the leader of an anti-Youtopia church. For one, villains get to have all the fun. His dialogue just came to me naturally too–I felt like I was watching him perform–which doesn’t happen often, at least for me!

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

I’m currently finishing up the sequel to Youtopia, which is titled Youtopia Reborn. It will be available from Evolved Publishing this fall. Expanding the world and concept has been one of the most challenging and rewarding projects of my writing career! I’m also in the early stages of the third chapter, Youtopia Infinity, which will come out in April 2025.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

FBI Special Agent Anabel Downer, one of the Bureau’s best, is assigned to the case. In her investigations of the mysterious murder, she interviews Youtopia’s staunchest supporters and naysayers, and gathers clues about the seedier sides of Immerser life.

Along the way, she encounters her own troubled past and questions herself what is real. As the killer escalates his efforts, Ana must confront not only the hardest case of her life but also her own demons.
EVOLVED PUBLISHING PRESENTS the first intriguing installment in the Youtopia series of techno-thriller/sci-fi/crime adventures, which, though fiction, seems all too possible in the real world… real soon.

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