Part of God’s Plan

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Robert Callaway Author Interview

Becoming Forever Families follows the experiences of a woman who finds love later in life and marries in the LDS church. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

This woman, Sarah, was previously married and had three children with Randy. He later divorced her; however, she felt that she needed to be married to a faithful husband, and prayed to God that this would occur. This story shows how God answered her prayers, and how she was married in the Lord’s House according to her desires.

Is there anything from your own experiences that you include in the lives of your characters?

Foremost is Ethan’s autism, which was introduced in my prequel Living a Miracle. I show how he was able to overcome many of its characteristics, as I have. I also relate Ruth’s situation of living alone with my being single and living by myself until I met my wife. She then later passed on, placing me in the same situation.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The main theme is the Lord’s plan for families to be together forever, as we have strong family bonds which we want to continue forever. Our struggles in life now are part of God’s plan to help prepare us to achieve this result after this life is complete. Another theme is that God will bless us during our difficulties in life as we stay faithful to Him.

Can readers look forward to seeing another installment following the Wilkinson family?

I have no immediate plans to continue this story; however, I may continue it later, with a message about how a high-functioning autistic adult can teach and help other people so that they can realize that their family lives are able to continue forever.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

What Will Our Families Be Like After This Life?

We desire our strong, loving family connections we presently experience, to continue in the Spirit World and beyond.
What is Christ’s real plan for our families after this life?

This great question is answered here. You will learn about:
• What Christ’s blessings are for us, now and forever
• What the real purpose of this life is for us and our families
• What Christ’s plan is for those with no family in this life
• How we can actually become as Christ is now, and the purpose of doing it
• How Christ can lovingly help us

This sequel continues the life story of the Wilkinson family, showing us how to become a forever family. It illustrates how we can view ourselves from an even greater perspective, and shows our true missions in life.

Included is a thought-provoking Reading Guide, to assist you to have a much better understanding of yourself. You will truly see the great significance of living this life, individually and with your family, along with your incomprehensible potential after this life is completed. Becoming Forever Families will prove to be very beneficial for everyone.

This work also promises to make great reading for a book club.

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