Confidence to Speak Openly

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Author Interview
Martine M. Osias Author Interview

Shadow-Claimed: Twisted Bargain with Nefarious Shadow Godlets explores the unnatural shift in humanity that has caused it to stray from its natural course and the truth as to the cause of this shift. What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

My goal was to help people regain the freedom, confidence to speak openly about what is interfering with our ability nowadays to be genuine full human beings able to achieve happiness on our own terms.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

As a foreigner who arrived in America thinking that success was a matter of hard work and merit, I was able the first few years to almost get there until I met evil. That is the experience that uncovered for me the realities that I describe in the book.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from Shadow-Claimed?

I hope that readers heed the alarm that I look to sound in order to make the adjustments that will protect their lives from the adverse influences while preserving their humanity.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

In a world that has evolved beyond recognition, where human characteristics, interactions, and cultural expressions seem alien compared to a century ago, this book dares to question the unnatural shift in humanity. It boldly uncovers the unspoken truths about life in today’s world, challenging the reader to say: STOP! We have strayed too far from our natural course.

The book introduces ‘Shadow Godlets’ that exert control over every facet of our lives – our homes, relationships, careers, and even our thoughts. These unseen rulers are unfolding a grand plan to give a makeover to the human race, a plan to which many have willingly or unwittingly submitted, leading to a rise in evil.

The narrative revolves around characters who are targets of this malevolent force. It also introduces ‘Nefaros’, individuals who willingly embrace evil, and ‘Portunus’, opportunists who exploit evil for personal gain. The narrative is further enriched by the presence of ‘Involunots’, involuntary participants in this grand scheme.

By delving into this book, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the patterns of evil prevalent in today’s society. Armed with this knowledge, they will be better equipped to make informed choices, preserving their freedom wherever possible.

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