Day: June 8, 2024

Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Fiction

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The Literary Titan Book Award honors books that exhibit exceptional storytelling and creativity. This award celebrates novelists who craft compelling narratives, create memorable characters, and weave stories that captivate readers. The recipients are writers who excel in their ability to blend imagination with literary skill, creating worlds that enchant and narratives that linger long after the final page is turned.

Award Recipients

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

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False and Outworn Traditions

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Angel Dunworth Author Interview

The Ravens of Castle Keep follows a young girl who after her mom’s car accident is sent to school in a real castle that holds many mysteries waiting to be discovered. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The pen and ink illustrations were originally an art study. I noticed that when ravens crane their necks, it looks as if there is a bone or tissue that other birds do not have. So as an artist (as most artists will) I began drawing the birds over and over to master them.

My mother told me to write a book about them. So I did. What an opportunity! I’d have the means to un-demonize these birds that are now proven to be the smartest birds on Earth!

Marcy and Ryan learn to trust one another and build a strong friendship in this story. What was your inspiration for the characters and their relationship?

I’m a “pantser,” a phrase coined by Stephen King. That means that I write off the top of my head. I first write the situation they must overcome. Next, I continue writing until my characters find a way out of that situation. (Though to be fair, I believe that none of us can do this by ourselves. Ergo, I make them compatible.)

What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

Most importantly, that animals are just that. They are not demonic, and neither do they understand the superstitions and personas that we assign them. A black cat has no idea why it’s not allowed outside on Halloween. Neither does a raven have any idea that people believe they walk the threshold between the living and the dead.

These are ridiculous, backward ideas. We rather disgrace ourselves when we distance ourselves from nature by following false and outworn traditions.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

I am working on a child’s picture book, The Pixie and The Elethunk. It is done in cut-paper illustrations and should be released soon. It is a lesson in gratitude.

I believe the next issues of Sonnet and the Dorthy L Sayers Literary Journal are due out this year. I have a few pieces in those. Pick them up!

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

After Marcy’s mother is severely injured in a car accident, her father sends her to live a dream. Marcy can’t believe her luck! She is to be schooled in a real castle! Overly imaginative she and her friend, Ryan, begin their stay asking themselves, “Does every castle really have a ghost? Or werewolves?” Even scarier, once they’ve visited the castle roof, they find giant, black monster birds sitting there. Oh no! Ravens? Aren’t they dangerous? Aren’t they vicious? Don’t they always stay hidden until Halloween? Marcy and Ryan embark on a deeply moving, educational journey to learn about the smartest birds in the world. Add to that a treasure hunt and you have an exciting tale for kids of all ages.

Award-winning writer, poet and artist, Angel Dunworth creates a fictional world, that teaches kids the truth about corvids. She seamlessly goes about the business of “un-demonizing” one of nature’s true miracles. Through her illustrations, factoids and fast-paced plot these birds are brought to life. The Ravens of Castle Keep, educates, entertains and enlightens. It’s a great addition to any bookshelf.

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