Day: June 8, 2024

Outstanding Personalities

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In our May 9 issue, Darryl Pinckney reviews an extensive survey of “the Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic Modernism” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. “If anything,” he writes, “the exhibition liberates the individual African American artist. It says how eclectic the past is in its artistic practices and styles.” Pinckney’s review offers a tour of […]

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Persistent Positivity

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Author Interview
Scotty and Kris Bolleter Author Interview

Penelope the Pesky Pelican follows a friendly pelican who sometimes does not have her cheerful disposition appreciated and needs encouragement from her best friend. What inspired your story?

It all started as a bit of an inside family joke about a Pelican statue we had at my late grandparents house on the coast. We named her Penelope and would always make up funny little stories and jokes about her. After years of erosion and rust, Penelope eventually succumbed to the elements, but my father wanted something to help her spirit live on in the family. One day he called me out of the blue to express his excitement about the short story he had written, starting off as just a casual way to pass the time and share with family. With my experience in both design and development and having previously worked with many publishers on their book promotions, I knew we had to bring this story to life.

The art in this book is fantastic. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Evelina Losich?

Collaborating with Evelina was fantastic. We knew exactly how we wanted the spreads laid out, and worked with her to develop the characters and styles, and provided direction on the layout to create what came to be a very vibrant experience our children love to just look at while being read to.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

The core message of persistent positivity and the significant impact it can have in your life is a virtue my father has always instilled in us from a very young age. We wanted this book to really personify those values and provide a creative outlet for us to share them with the world.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

This book has really created a “domino effect” with my father and me on our journey into authoring the book, we don’t have anything concrete yet, but we have a number of other concepts in the works that we’re excited to share when the time comes!

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

30 vibrant pages, in a 6×6″ hardcover board book, colorfully illustrating a day in the life of Penelope the pelican and all of her bay friends. This book, Scotty and Kris’ first, follows Penelope, an enthusiastic and spirited pelican as she greets her bay friends throughout the day. Penelope’s personality and energy remains positive as she meets the other animals who aren’t as joyful as she is. The book is written in an easy-to-read, approachable tone, with gorgeous illustrations highlighting all the characters emotions. Penelope The Pesky Pelican will help to instill values in children that every parent desires, and creates a fun reading experience for families of all ages.

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Wings and Cool Abilities

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Susan L. Markloff Author Interview

The Rise of the Raidin follows a seemingly ordinary eighteen-year-old high school girl who is secretly training as a dragon slayer warrior. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The biggest inspiration started when I was in eighth grade and was diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis. I already had terrible eyesight and bad teeth, and I found myself wishing to just wake up one day and all these broken parts of me were fixed. I was really into fantasy and sci-fi stories, and loved fast-paced stories with lots of action, especially in movies. So my brain basically asked the question, “What if when we woke up and everything was fixed, we also had wings and cool abilities? And maybe we had to save the world from something?” As I worked to develop the story, which initially had little by way of plot and was “just vibes,” I drew a lot of inspiration from fantasy and sci-fi books, movies, and TV shows like The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Ender’s Game, Stargate SG-1, and Star Trek, as well as a bunch of my favorite animes, most notably Digimon and Zoids.

In a lot of contemporary coming-of-age fiction novels, authors often add their own life experiences to the story. Are there any bits of you in this story?

In the earliest drafts of the story, Jen was practically a carbon copy of me. By now, the only things we share are our love of photography, our drive to protect those we care about, and how deeply we love our families. She’s far wittier than I am, and far braver and more resilient, too. I can see where one of my brothers influenced bits of Krelien’s character, and where my deep love of animals influenced the creation of Blaze and Archer. Tyron has slowly become, quite truthfully, the picture of the sort of man I would want to marry someday. Ar’on and I have almost nothing in common, aside from maybe his favorite tea blend. But with Kaldok, I specifically gave him my love of baking. I really enjoy baking (though seldom do I give myself time for it), and I felt that of all the characters, it fit Kaldok the best to be this imposing werewolf that loves to bake treats for others.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I don’t write my books with themes or tropes in mind. The only themes I ever want to convey in my stories is that there is an absolute truth, that there is such a thing as being wrong, accepting the cost of our wrong actions, and seeking repentance. As a Christian, I want to hold my stories to a realistic standard so that my characters feel real (even if their circumstances are fantastical), but I won’t shy away from the truth. Any other themes and tropes that readers see in the story are ones I didn’t plan for. In fact, I rely heavily on my early readers to tell me what tropes and themes are in my books, because I have a very hard time figuring out what the “theme” of a story I’ve written is.

When will book 2 be available? Can you give us an idea of where that book will take readers?

Book 2 is available now! The Ties That Bind launched on February 7, 2023. Ties blasts readers into a worldwide adventure. Where Rise took place mostly over the course of a single day, Ties takes about two months of traveling and meeting the ever-expansive cast. Readers have said that it’s a story where they realize they’re “all in” with the series and are fully invested to see where things go. It’s a book that can be intimidating, with its 600+ page count, but almost every reader finishes Ties within a week, many within two days. Readers can expect loads of character development, meeting dynamic characters from diverse backgrounds, plenty of banter, higher stakes, some trauma recovery, some heartache and loss, the introduction to the world of Tilion, and more epic battles.

If readers enjoyed The Rise of the Raidin, there are 6 parallel side-stories to Rise in a novella series called The Human-Born Chronicles. They can learn more about all of my books via my website.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Jennifer Monroe is an average eighteen-year-old girl, and she knows it.

Which is precisely why no one—least of all herself—would suspect anything extraordinary from the quiet, boring girl who only has a few good friends to call her own. But that all got flipped on its head about a year ago, when two imposing men, a complete goofball, a werewolf, and two large four-legged creatures barged into her life.

Now over a year later, Jen leads a double life. Mild-mannered, quiet, high schooler by day; dragon slayer and raw-energy-wielding-warrior (in training) by night. Juggling SAT scores, papers, and mastering the art of flying, she’s managed to keep her friends and family oblivious of her hybrid abilities and continue on a track for college. Everything was going swimmingly.

Until one normal, foggy, November morning, when a dragon crashed through the clouds, heralding a small army to descend on her high school. All for little, forgettable her. Making her realize that maybe there’s a whole lot more going on than she originally thought.

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Your Face Lights up the World

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Your Face Lights Up the World is a delightful and heartwarming children’s book that is perfect for young readers. The story begins with siblings Harper and Hunter embarking on a fort-building adventure. Their journey takes an unexpected turn when Hunter discovers a unique, speckled stone that catches the sunlight beautifully. Harper’s initial jealousy shifts to determination as she seeks to find something even better. But the story takes a tender turn when Harper realizes her brother actually admires her freckles, likening them to a stunning constellation. This revelation is a charming and illuminating moment for both Harper and the readers.

Jodi Meltzer has crafted an engaging picture book that is rich with lessons about the beauty of being unique and embracing one’s features, like freckles. It’s a narrative that young readers, particularly siblings, will find relatable. The playful squabbles between Harper and Hunter add a realistic touch, making the characters and their experiences more approachable.

One of the standout aspects is the way the book addresses self-acceptance and emotional expression. The pivotal moment where Hunter shares his admiration for Harper’s freckles is not only touching but also highlights the impact of positive reinforcement and open emotional communication. It’s rare to find children’s books that delve into this theme so effectively.

The illustrations by Jody King Camarra are a visual feast, blending various artistic techniques, including digital art and real-world elements. The colorful and intricate images add layers of depth to the story and excellently portray the characters’ emotions. At the end of the book, there are interactive journal pages, providing an opportunity for kids to reflect and write about their own experiences, which adds a personal touch to the learning journey.

Your Face Lights Up the World is an excellent choice for anyone seeking to encourage self-esteem and understanding in young readers. It’s a valuable resource for teachers and parents aiming to address themes like sibling dynamics and self-acceptance in an engaging, thoughtful way.

Pages: 38 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D6484DPC

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Pompeii: Till the Stars Fall from the Sky

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Lorraine Blundell’s Pompeii: Till the Stars Fall from the Sky masterfully intertwines history, romance, and the supernatural in a narrative that spans from the height of the Roman Empire to modern archaeological endeavors. The story follows Lucia, the daughter of a Roman senator, as she navigates life in Pompeii leading up to the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius, and Kate, a contemporary archaeologist uncovering the mysteries of the ancient city. Through these dual timelines, Blundell explores themes of love, loss, and the enduring nature of human ambition and desire.

Blundell’s writing is richly descriptive, vividly bringing to life the opulence and decadence of ancient Pompeii. The Villa Oplontis, a central setting in the novel, is depicted with such detail that it feels almost tangible. Descriptions of the villa’s frescoes, mosaics, and gardens are immersive, highlighting the grandeur of Roman architecture and art. The historical accuracy in the depiction of Pompeii’s final days, alongside the personal stories of its inhabitants, makes the ancient world feel immediate and real. The author’s background in history and archaeology shines through, adding depth and authenticity to the narrative.

One of the strengths of Pompeii is its complex characters. Lucia’s journey from a sheltered senator’s daughter to a resilient survivor is very interesting. Her interactions with historical figures, such as Empress Poppaea, and her budding romance with Amatus add layers of intrigue and emotional depth. In contrast, Kate’s modern-day story provides a fascinating look into the challenges and thrills of archaeological work. Her relationship with Alessandro, another archaeologist, mirrors Lucia’s story, creating a bridge between past and present. This parallel storytelling enriches the narrative and emphasizes the timeless nature of human experiences.

The novel’s ambitious scope ensures a rich and detailed exploration of both timelines. The transitions between the ancient and modern stories keep the reader intrigued, highlighting the contrasts and connections between past and present. The wealth of historical and archaeological details enriches the narrative, providing a deep and immersive experience that complements the characters’ personal stories, making the historical context come alive vividly and educationally.

Lorraine Blundell has written a captivating novel that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and romance. The author’s ability to weave together historical fact and fiction, along with her richly detailed descriptions, make this a novel I highly recommend.

Pages: 284 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D2ZZKZK3

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Saint Augustine Sisterhood

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Saint Augustine Sisterhood, written by Eleanor Tremayne, is a masterful blend of history, fiction, and the supernatural. The novel follows Emerald, a time traveler who becomes separated from her husband Liam at Stonehenge during their trip to America’s oldest city, Saint Augustine. As Emerald searches for Liam, she also seeks out five strong-willed women destined to preserve the spirit of Saint Augustine’s gypsy sisterhood.

The story takes an intriguing turn with the introduction of Mandana Morrison, an unexpected character who complicates the narrative. Despite her initial plans to leave the city, Mandana finds herself drawn to the idea of the sisterhood and captivated by the charm of an Irish artist. Her curiosity leads her to uncover the secrets of the time travelers, though she remains unaware of her own crucial role in this supernatural saga.

Tremayne’s Saint Augustine Sisterhood is a paragon of the supernatural genre. She deftly intertwines historical and fictional elements, crafting a captivating tale that highlights the significance of gypsy and pirate groups while delving into their historical roots. Her descriptive prose draws readers into a vividly imagined world, showcasing her exceptional storytelling skills. The novel features a dynamic and engaging cast of characters, with both Emerald and Mandana playing pivotal roles. Their character development is particularly noteworthy, adding depth and dimension to the narrative. The plot is rich with unexpected twists and turns, maintaining suspense and keeping readers hooked from beginning to end. The infusion of supernatural elements and subtle humor further enhances the novel’s appeal.

Saint Augustine Sisterhood is a perfect blend of suspense, fiction, and history. With its rich characters and enthralling storyline, this epic read is sure to astonish and inspire readers. Tremayne has crafted a compelling narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, making this book a must-read for fans of the genre.

Pages: 312 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CW1N27PQ

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Nowhere But Up

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On July 16, 1964, James Gilligan, an off-duty police officer in New York, shot and killed a fifteen-year-old Black high school student, James Powell, who was almost certainly unarmed. Dozens witnessed the shooting. The evening of Saturday, July 18, around 150 people followed a pastor from Fountain Spring Baptist Church to the police station in […]

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Literary Titan Gold Book Award – Poetry

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The Literary Titan Book Award recognizes poets who demonstrate exceptional artistry and proficiency and push the boundaries of language and expression. The recipients are poets who excel in their technical skills and evoke deep emotional responses, challenge thoughts, and illuminate new perspectives through their work. The award honors those who contribute to the literary landscape with their unique voices and powerful words.

Award Recipients

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

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Literary Titan Book Award: Nonfiction

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The Literary Titan Book Award recognizes outstanding nonfiction books that demonstrate exceptional quality in writing, research, and presentation. This award is dedicated to authors who excel in creating informative, enlightening, and engaging works that offer valuable insights. Recipients of this award are commended for their ability to transform complex topics into accessible and compelling narratives that captivate readers and enhance our understanding.

Award Recipients

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

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Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Children’s Books

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The Literary Titan Book Award recognizes children’s books that mesmerize audiences with incredible narratives, vibrant illustrations, charming characters, and fresh ideas. Offering well-earned accolades, we salute the imagination and exceptional skill of authors who create tales that spark curiosity and delight in young minds.

Award Recipients

The High Sky Fliers by Priya Ramesh

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

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