Nurse Florence®, Tell Me About the Bones

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After finishing their morning classes, best friends Condi, Jean, and Sonia head to the school cafeteria. On the way, they encounter fellow student Johnny, who is recovering from a broken arm. Curious about how bones function, heal, and grow, the girls seek expert advice from Nurse Florence. Together, the classmates uncover the immense complexity within our skeletons as the wonders of science unfold.

Nurse Florence, Tell Me About the Bones by Michael Dow is another excellent addition to the Nurse Florence series. The curiosity of the three friends about science is delightful, and Nurse Florence’s patient and kind responses are always informative. The illustrations by Bella Stercula beautifully depict the cells at work inside human bones. Each high-quality image is easy to understand and visually explains the inner workings of the skeleton as well as any science book. Learning alongside the three classmates, I found Nurse Florence’s explanations about how bones constantly repair themselves fascinating. For instance, I was surprised to learn that bones are made up of small, interconnected rings of bone called osteons. This book is a testament to how readers of any age can benefit from Nurse Florence’s gentle and accessible teachings about the complexity of biology.

This book is an outstanding entry in the series, with Nurse Florence continuing to be our compassionate and reliable guide into the world of scientific study. Suitable for all ages and readers interested in learning about our skeletons, this book, and indeed the entire series, is an excellent choice for parents and educators. Nurse Florence continues her amazing journey to teach us about health and human biology.

Nurse Florence, Tell Me About the Bones by Michael Dow is a captivating and educational addition to the Nurse Florence series. The story, enriched by Bella Stercula’s exceptional illustrations, makes complex scientific concepts accessible and engaging for readers of all ages. The book beautifully balances curiosity and education. This series is a valuable resource for parents and educators seeking to introduce children to human physiology in an enjoyable and understandable way.

Pages: 71 | ISBN : 1304506509

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