Along Came Spider – The Making of a Superhero

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Bullies Beware!

Bullies exist everywhere! Everyone has met one. It’s hard not to – there are so many of them in the world. Even with that being the case, it doesn’t mean they should always get to win.

But if you don’t step up to stop them, then who will?

It doesn’t matter how small we think we are or how unimportant. When you stand up for what is right, that’s when you find out what you’re truly made up of inside – in Spider Monroe’s case, he finds out he can be a superhero for his blind best friend Lacey.

What’s his superpower, you ask? Invisibility. How does he use it? In every way that stops two bullies in their tracks and restores the world to order.

Bullies beware – heroes exist everywhere . . . but only if we are brave enough to look inside ourselves to find them!

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Categories: Uncategorized

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