Humanity Is Not Sacrificed

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Author Interview
I.M. Stoicus Author Interview

Humans’ Enhancements follows an artificially enhanced soldier who is reprogrammed by his father to serve the resistance. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I am a professional engineer who spent over thirty years in the military as an engineering officer. I also served over a year in combat. I have seen the best and the worst in men.

As a child, I was a fan of Star Trek and Star Wars; admittedly, I still am. However, I have been a strange puppy regarding education since I earned my first degree in philosophy and psychology, which made me question everything. My engineering was a result of joining the military and becoming an engineering officer and then going back to school and obtaining an engineering degree.

In addition, I enjoyed reading and was inspired by 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell.

The science inserted in the fiction, I felt, was well-balanced. How did you manage to keep it grounded while still providing the fantastic edge science fiction stories usually provide?

I tried to keep the reader in mind and strive to avoid being an ENGINERD, TECHNO-GEEK, or a MILITARY SHARPSHOOTER. 🙂

I do not expect the reader to have my passion for engineering, technology, and the military. However, I understand that people will marvel at their results.

On a personal note, I thank the Good Lord that I was blessed with two careers I love: a soldier and a civil engineer.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I was striving to explore the theme of avoiding giving up your humanity and freedom for a promise of security and stability. In addition, the STATE is capable of becoming tyrannical, and we need to ensure that our humanity is not sacrificed for AI enhancements or governmental/corporate efficiency.

Where does the story go in the next book, and where do you see it going in the future?

Book two has been recently published. This book is called ANOTHER WORLD. I plan to write a third book to complete the trilogy.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

Humans’ Enhancements is an ominous futuristic story of an artificially enhanced soldier named Solon. This stoic-enhanced warrior is thrust into a dystopian world that is clearly dominated by the globalist elites. The globalist elites have instituted a self-serving utopia at the dreadful sacrifice of humanity for the TYRANICAL STATE. Solon’s enhancer, his father, prepares Solon by downloading skills and knowledge into Solon’s head, as well as enhancing his body. Solon’s devoted parents are part of the resistance, and they have placed their ultimate faith in their son.

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