Deborah Rogers Award reveals 'hugely interesting' shortlist

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Deborah Rogers Award reveals 'hugely interesting' shortlist

Anappara, shortlisted for Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line, is currently doing a PhD in Creative-Critical Writing at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. She has a Masters in Creative Writing (Prose Fiction) from UEA and previously worked as a journalist and editor in India. Connolly's fiction and poetry has
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Letter from the Editors

I first became involved with the newspaper in the fall of 2015 as part of an optional assignment in an offhandedly selected news writing course. What all-too-quickly followed was a three-year journey paved with grief, joy and just about every emotion in between. In this office, we've experienced,
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#SupportSunTimes: The Chicago Sun-Times discovered the writer in me

Of course, some of her writing was in our family library, so my parents were elated. At the time, my mother told me that if you won an award without trying, imagine what you can do when you put your mind to something. Years later, I found my way back to writing. My writing ended up being in media
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Creative Writing, Exploration & Expression at the Core of SCWriP's Young Writers Summer Camp …

Long days, relaxing nights, cotton clothing, nature hikes, cooling dips in some water, delicious in-season fruit, good books, anything iced… We all know what time of year this is. Summertime is around the corner again in Santa Barbara. Although summer will always be an amazing time of year, there is
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2018 Oregon Book Awards honor 10 authors

Passarello, an assistant professor of creative writing-nonfiction at Oregon State University, called the essay a “wild and woolly genre,” adding that “a wild and woolly place like the Pacific Northwest is the kind of place that welcomes the essay and should champion the essay, and maybe we should be in
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