The Final Eight Seconds 

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Olivia Godat’s The Final Eight Seconds is a moving novella that delves into the life of rodeo cowboy Joey McBride. Following a violent goring from a bull during a rodeo, Joey is transported to the hospital, where he finds himself at death’s door. However, instead of giving up, Joey is given the opportunity to recount his life story to the afterlife, detailing his journey from childhood to his passion for rodeo and the people he met along the way.

The book immediately captivates the reader with its action-packed opening, vividly depicting the moments leading up to Joey’s fall and the atmosphere of the rodeo. Through well-written prose and effective pacing, the author keeps the reader on the edge of their seat, eagerly anticipating the next twist in Joey’s story. Throughout the book, the author’s use of descriptive language is exceptional, effectively creating a vivid picture of life as a rodeo cowboy, the landscapes, and the characters that populate Joey’s world.

The author’s writing style has an excellent flow, making it easy to lose oneself in the story. Joey’s character and motivations are explored in-depth, making him a relatable and well-rounded protagonist. The book’s exploration of Joey’s life and his struggles after the death of his parents adds depth to his character and makes his story all the more compelling. The other characters in the book are also well-written, and their interactions with Joey help to flesh out his story. The tender romance between Joey and Margene, his friend CJ’s sister, is both touching and sad, adding another layer of emotion to the book.

The book’s structure is excellent, starting and ending with a dramatic sequence of action that ties everything together. Overall, The Final Eight Seconds is a tender-hearted story that is both engaging and emotionally resonant, making it a must-read for fans of Western literature.

Pages: 104 | ISBN : 1639888055

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