The Hidden Lives of Dick & Mary

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The Hidden Lives of Dick and Mary by Xavier Poe Kane is a compelling compilation of two paranormal novellas – Haunted Houses and The Tale of Mary Deacon. The author takes readers on a supernatural journey through the eyes of a ghost hunter and medium, Dick Fisher, who uses his gifts to help the dead while uncovering hidden tales of haunted houses. At Jefferson Barracks base, Fisher and his team encounter both friendly and terrifying spirits, leading to the discovery of the base’s history and the true nature of the spirits.

Meanwhile, The Tale of Mary Deacon follows Mary’s lifelong dream of going to space, but her wish begins to come true in strange and unexpected ways. She finds herself the target of alien abductions and must learn to trust the right people if she wants them to stop. Again, Kane weaves historical elements into this suspenseful novella, making it all the more fascinating.

Kane’s vivid language throughout the book radiates a rightful creeping sensation that will capture the reader’s attention. Both novellas take place in Missouri, but in different time frames, with the first focusing on the existence of ghosts and the second on aliens. The author skillfully weaves historical facts about Jefferson Barracks base with fictional ghost stories, giving the crew’s adventures a realistic touch. Even though many questions were left unanswered, the book is a fast-paced read filled with suspense and mystery. The interconnections between the two novellas are also amusing and will leave readers wondering what other connections may be waiting to be discovered.

The Hidden Lives of Dick and Mary is a spell-binding page-turner with a slightly peculiar cast of characters and a gripping plot that will captivate supernatural fans. Kane’s unique perspective on the prospect of alien abduction in The Tale of Mary Deacon adds an eccentric touch to the second novella, making it all the more suspenseful.

Pages: 151 | ASIN : B0B48GSKXV

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