I Rode The Second Wave

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I Rode the Second Wave: A Feminist Memoir by Fran Abrams details the author’s first-hand experience as an activist in the second wave of feminism, expressed in poetry. This pivotal era paved the way for many women, including modern-day opportunities and equal rights. While the earlier first wave set the stage in the fight for equality, the 1960s’ second wave provided more women with the same professional and financial opportunities as men.

While I enjoy reading the history of feminism and human rights’ movements, I found Abrams’ style of verse added a deeply personal, almost romantic, touch to the memoir, which kept me interested and intrigued. The story guides the reader through various periods of the author’s life, starting from childhood, where she quickly learns and discovers a world where women are taught their “rightful place”, which at that time, was considered running the household and raising children. The author also references the racism of that era, which also had a profound impact on many women who were not represented equally within the feminist movement.

The poetry is subtle, story-like, but makes an impact from the voice of an active participant, without becoming too ambiguous. Abrams does an outstanding job describing historical events from a woman’s perspective, and pointing out the ways of thinking at that time, and how racism and sexism impacted her life personally. Abrams discusses the challenges of falling in love with someone of a different ethnic background, and the difficulties they faced and overcame together.

I Rode the Second Wave: A Feminist Memoir is an excellent memoir that follows the hardship of one woman in a male-dominated field, personal relationships, and the related challenges with striking accuracy and passion. I recommend this book for its thought-provoking content, engaging poetry, and how it conveys the importance of remembering history and learning about the struggles of equality from someone who experienced it personally.

Pages 88 | ASIN 1639886540

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Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2022/12/08/i-rode-the-second-wave/

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